"Olivia's yoga is nourishing both for the body and the soul. Attending enables me to start my week in a positive mindful manner and practising the poses along with considering her thoughtful words helps me to thrive in both my professional and home life. Olivia is very knowledgeable about the connections between yoga, mindfulness and well-being; physical, mental and spiritual and shares this generously. I make this class a priority in my busy schedule as it benefits my happiness enormously enabling me to flourish and as a result of that, it also benefits my family and friends." Sarah Helm
Executive Headteacher,
The Wye Forest Federation
"Olivia is a remarkably generous and expert teacher whose classes are always fun and often revolutionary." Julia Brockley
"Olivia was my first ever yoga teacher. Her ability to teach the absolute beginner and the more experienced student in the same class means that I am still coming back to her many years later. Her knowledge of yoga, the body and Chinese medicine that is carefully worked into each lesson adds another rich layer, while gently stretching your body to its appropriate edge." Alex Hedges
"I love Olivia's classes. I had never done yoga before and was really worried that I'd struggle but Olivia has helped me work within my abilities to build up my skills and confidence over time. I feel great afterwards, really ready to face the week ahead!" Nicola Daley
"I would recommend Olivia's yoga classes to anyone from a beginner to a dedicated yogi. She has the perfect balance between physical and mental well being and when I leave her class on a Monday morning I feel 10 feet tall, completely relaxed and ready to take on the week! She has such a calming manner you can't help but become addicted!" Jenny Handley
Find out more about the Coach House Wellbeing Reatreat at: thecoachhouseretreat.co.uk
All Classes are £14 a session for term commitment. Missed classes can be caught up either by Zoom, a recording or dropping into another class but cannot be carried forward to a new term. Drop-in rate (if there is space available) will be £16 a class. All classes will be offered on a first come, first serve basis.
“Stopping is the basic practice of Meditation. You stop running. You stop yourself
struggling. You allow yourself to rest, to heal, to calm.” Thich Nhat Hanh
9:30 – 11am, The Vicarage, Nr. Raglan
Term Dates:
September 16th, 23rd, 30th
October 7th, 14th, 21st (No Yoga 28th & Nov 4th)
November 11th, 18th, 25th
December 2nd
Term Cost: £140 (10 Weeks) or £16 as a drop-in, if space allows.
6:45 - 8:15pm, Monmouth Priory
Term Dates:
September 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th
October 7th, 14th, 21st (No Yoga 28th & Nov 4th)
November 11th, 18th, 25th
December 2nd, 9th
Term Cost: £182 (13 Weeks) or £16 as a drop-in, if space allows.
7-8:30pm: Online from the comfort of your own Home
Term Dates:
September 3rd, (away 10th) 17th, 24th
October 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, (No Yoga on 29th)
November (No Yoga on 5th), 12th, 19th, 26th,
December 3rd, 10th
Term Cost: £168 (12 Weeks) or £16 drop-in
9:30-11am The Vicarage, Nr. Raglan
Term Dates:
October 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, (away 30th)
November (away 6th), 13th, 20th, 27th,
December 4th, 11th,
Term Cost: £126 (9 Weeks) or £16 drop-in
9:30 - 11am, The Vicarage, Nr. Raglan
Term dates:
5th September (away 12th) 19th, 26th,
October 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th (away 31st)
November (away 7th), 14th, 21st, 28th
December (away 5th), 12th
Term Cost: £154 (11 Weeks)
9:30 – 11am, Monmouth Priory
Term dates:
September 6th (away 13th) 20th, 27th,
October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th,
November (away 1st & 8th) 15th, 22nd, 29th,
December (away 6th) 13th, 20th
Term Cost:£168 (12 Weeks) or £16 drop-in, if space allows.
Yin & Yang Yoga, informed by Buddhist Mindfulness, Insight Training and Transpersonal Psychology (IFS). Olivia sees a lot of private clients, helping individuals to craft a personal and nuanced practice, that feels potent, pithy and relevant. Understanding why we practice, what our intention is, our aspirations and what deeply motivates us, can help craft a consistent and intelligent life-long practice. Please see prices on the website under Private Tuition.
Over the past 25 years, I have received invaluable support, both therapeutically and in the form of ongoing mentoring. As an Insight Yoga teacher, I meet with my mentor Ty Powers, several times a year. Ty and Sarah Powers are my primary teachers. I find my time with Ty insightful and transformative. I can talk about professional concerns as well as personal. Meeting with an empathic person (well trained in inquiry) is a tremendous source of support. For those of you who are already teachers, do reach out if you would like mentoring either Live or via Zoom.
I will be teaching April 21st on the Paramita of Effort and Energy. We need Energy to be a long term practitioner. Time 3-4pm GMT - You need to register in advance. Insight Yoga Online Community
This is a global gathering of practitioners who are interested in the rich intersections between yoga, Buddhism and psychology. Each Sunday, you can tune in to enjoy a 60-minute workshop exploring various themes led by an endorsed Insight Yoga Teacher, who will weave in a brief talk, meditation, optional yin/poses, and/or inquiry. We look forward to welcoming you into this growing community for inspired practice together. Please enquire if this might be of interest.
Please call for more information: Tel: 07816 512563 or Email: oliviahealing@aol.com or olivia@oliviahealingyoga.co.uk
If you are interested in Private Retreat, please see: thecoachhouseretreat.co.uk or email: contact@thecoachhouseretreat.co.uk